Assistant Territory Manager

The Associate Chancellor & Chief of Staff (AC CoS) serves as an executive advisor to the Chancellor and manages the people and operations of the Chancellor’s Immediate Office. The AC CoS works closely with and represents the Chancellor across a wide range of situations and works closely with various partners, including: the Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost, Vice Chancellors, Vice Provosts, Deans, Chiefs of Staff, Chief Administrative Officers, and Chancellor Advisory Committees. The AC CoS works on priorities that involve diverse internal and external stakeholders with broad impact. The AC CoS manages sensitive and confidential matters and develops solutions on the Chancellor’s behalf.  


  • Serve as strategic advisor and change agent for the Chancellor, providing counsel and expertise and cultivating and sustaining collaborative relationships with internal/external stakeholders. Serve as the expert and confidential sounding board to the Chancellor & other campus executives in response to risks and challenges, including reputational and/or crises that span various areas. Anticipate and mitigate sensitive issues with ethical grounding and political acumen. Provide advice and participate in decisions that may be highly sensitive and/or political. 
  • Represent the Chancellor on various highly sensitive and/or broad-impacting meetings, working groups, committees, etc with a diverse range of stakeholders that may include the Office of the President and other high-profile internal and external stakeholders. 
  • Partner with Government & Community Relations to staff the Chancellor in working with various government and community groups and Regents.
  • Stays well-informed and keeps abreast of higher education's current and emerging issues in order to provide the executive broad perspective across the organization.
  • Advises senior management on matters concerning several functional areas, departments, and/or customers to develop and implement long-term strategic decisions that impact the division and organization as a whole. Plans, designs, and implements programs and establishes direction, policies, and procedures for division.
  • Provides organization-wide influence on the identification and framing of systemic issues, and the formulation and advancement of approaches to address them.
  • Frames long-term strategic decisions that reflect upon the organization as a whole and may be emulated at other UC locations.
  • Represents the Chancellor with authority to make decisions on high-level task forces and long- and short-range strategic planning groups.
  • Negotiates directly to achieve solutions with high-level stakeholders such as faculty, senate committee chairs, senior administrators, other UC locations, the Office of the President, public agencies, and the community to develop solutions to complex problems, providing briefings on current and emerging issues.

Required Qualifications

  • Significant years of experience with progressive increase of responsibility and leadership in a complex, matrixed environment.
  • Excellent ability to lead cross-functionally based on establishing trust, understanding priorities and drivers, and facilitating shared vision. Excellent project management and change leadership skills to effectively lead highly significant engagements from inception to conclusion.
  • Excellent ability to collaborate with diverse stakeholders that may include senior administrators, community members, faculty, and/or students and to facilitate aligned goals.
  • Demonstrated political acumen to advise and navigate highly sensitive, visible, and/or confidential situations and lead to successful outcomes
  • Advanced written and verbal communication as well as presentation and interpersonal (individual and group) skills for influencing and facilitating sustained change. Excellent ability to listen and negotiate.
  • Advanced analytical, problem-solving, project planning, and implementation skills.
  • Excellent ability to manage conflict resolution with calm, diplomacy, grace, and respect.
  • Proven sound judgment, discretion, and ethical grounding.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit…' (complete text) is dummy text that is not meant to mean anything. It is used as a placeholder in magazine layouts, for example, in order to give an impression...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit…' (complete text) is dummy text that is not meant to mean anything. It is used as a placeholder in magazine layouts, for example, in order to give an impression...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit…' (complete text) is dummy text that is not meant to mean anything. It is used as a placeholder in magazine layouts, for example, in order to give an impression...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit…' (complete text) is dummy text that is not meant to mean anything. It is used as a placeholder in magazine layouts, for example, in order to give an impression...

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