Animation & Game Design

Animation and game design represent the union of creativity and technology, shaping the way we interact with entertainment, education, and even social issues. These fields have gained immense social importance, influencing culture, education, and social change, while offering vast career opportunities for passionate individuals.

Social Importance:

1. Education and Learning Enhancement: Animation and game design have revolutionized education, making learning interactive and engaging. Educational games and animated content help students grasp complex concepts, making education more accessible and enjoyable.

2. Social Impact and Awareness: Games and animations often tackle pressing social issues like mental health, climate change, and social injustice. They create empathy, raise awareness, and prompt discussions, fostering positive change in society.

3. Inclusivity and Representation: Animation and game design have become platforms for promoting diversity and inclusivity. Games and animations featuring diverse characters and stories empower underrepresented communities, promoting acceptance and understanding.

4. Therapeutic Applications: Gamification techniques are used in various therapies, aiding patients in rehabilitation, pain management, and mental health treatment. Virtual reality (VR) technology, often utilized in game design, is transforming therapy and mental healthcare.

Career Opportunities:

1. Game Development: Game developers create interactive experiences for various platforms, including consoles, PC, mobile, and VR. This field includes roles like game designer, programmer, artist, and QA tester.

2. Animation Production: Animators bring characters and stories to life through 2D and 3D animation. Opportunities range from character animators to motion graphics artists, working in movies, TV shows, advertising, and web content.

3. Augmented and Virtual Reality: AR/VR developers work on cutting-edge technologies, creating immersive experiences for gaming, education, healthcare, and simulations.

4. Serious Games and Simulation: Professionals in this field design games for non-entertainment purposes, such as corporate training, healthcare simulations, and military training, addressing real-world issues.

5. Game Testing: Quality assurance (QA) testers play a vital role in game development, ensuring games are bug-free and provide seamless user experiences.

6. Game Writing and Narrative Design: Writers and narrative designers craft compelling stories and dialogues for games, immersing players in rich, interactive narratives.

In conclusion, animation and game design have transcended mere entertainment, becoming influential tools for education, social change, and therapy. With the industry continually evolving, passionate individuals have the opportunity to pursue diverse and fulfilling careers while making a meaningful impact on society.

Academic Program | Syllabus

Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Effective Communication & Public Speaking 2
2 Introduction to Design - Design History, Theory & Applications 2
3 Design Drawing 1 4
4 Design Fundamentals 1 (Colour) 3
5 Design Fundamentals 2 (Geometry) 3
6 Fundamentals of Design 4 (Form Space and Structure 1) 4
7 Material Exploration - Bio Materials 4
8 Workshop 1 (Carpentry/Metal) 2
9 Digital Design 1 2
10 Sustainability Courses [Online, Self-Paced] 4
11 Community Service (Mandatory)#
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Stress & Anger Management 2
2 Applied Science in Design 2
3 Design Drawing 2 2
4 Design Fundamentals 4 (Composition) 3
5 Design Fundamentals 5 (Form Space & Structure 2) 4
6 Art & Craft of North East India 4
7 Model Making & Fabrication 2
8 Workshop 2 (Bamboo/Ceramics) 2
9 Digital Design 2 2
10 Sustainability Courses [Online, Self-Paced] 4
11 Community Service (Mandatory)#
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Time Management# (seminar & mandatory, pp/f grading)
2 Applied Psychology & Consumer Behaviour 4
3 Environmental Science & Ecology 4
4 Introduction to Animation and Gaming Design Principles 4
5 Basic Programming Concepts 4
6 Fundamentals of Drawing and Sketching 4
7 Introduction of Digital Media Tools and Software 2
8 Design Electives* 2
9 Sustainability Courses [Online, Self-Paced] 2
9 Internship (4 to 6 weeks) Optionals
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Introduction to Ethics 2
2 Introduction to User Research 2
3 2D Animation 1 2
4 Character Design and Animation 4
5 Game Mechanics and Level Design 2
6 3D Modeling and Animation 1 4
7 Introduction to Game Engines (Unity, Buildbox) 4
8 Animation Production Planning 3
9 Design Electives* 2
10 Sustainability Courses [Online, Self-Paced] 2
10 Internship (4 to 6 weeks) Optionals
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Community Engagement & Social Responsibility (seminar)#
2 2D Animation 2 4
3 3D Modeling and Animation 2 4
4 Advanced Game Development with Unity/Buildbox Engine 4
5 Game Physics and AI Programming 4
6 Industry Lecture Series (seminar)#
7 Internship (6 to 8 weeks) Optionals
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Conflict Resolution & Crisis Management 2
2 Introduction to Connected Devices & IoT 3
3 Sensors & Communication Devices 4
4 Design for Sustainability 2
5 Game Protyping and Playtesting 3
6 Game Monetization and Business Strategies 2
7 Animated Short Film Production 6
8 Design Electives* 2
9 Industry Lecture Series (seminar)#
10 Internship (6 to 8 weeks) Optionals
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Principles of Marketing & Business Models 4
2 Usability Engineering 5
3 Design for the Future- Project 8
4 Introduction to Design Research 3
5 Design Electives* 2
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Intellectual Property Rights 2
2 Product Life Cycle Management 4
2 Keystone Graduation Project 18

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