Liberal Education

About Us > Liberal Education

The liberal education is necessary for the development of a scientific attitude, which is in turn necessary for the progress of a human and society in general. The humans think in stories rather than facts, numbers or equations and its imperative for business and entrepreneurship to make stories of ideas, product or services. 21st century is about humans, superhuman and artificial intelligence. The institutions to focus on teaching the critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. The important aspect is to develop the ability to deal with change, learn new things and to preserve your mental and emotional balance in unfamiliar situations.

Liberal Education emphasizes a learning system which provide students a choice to take courses which are from different disciplines to learn with a broader perspective. The flexibility and freedom to learn courses of the choice from different learning verticals, having an amalgamation of science, law, humanities and arts builds the ability of critical thinking, collaborative working with effective communication. It is a cross-disciplinary and multi-cultural platform of education which promotes different paradigms and different learning models. MIT University, Meghalaya envisage that, the students will undergo a foundation program with environmental science, cultural studies, physical science, economics and psychology irrespective of program admission to expose students to the broad perspective with social and industry internship at different levels ensuring the experiential learning.

Liberal Education creates an environment, where the students takes the responsibility of learning and a teacher acts as a facilitator for the learning objectives and outcomes. The student of liberal studies shall demonstrate interdisciplinary connections, possess competency & knowledge in various field. The liberal education inculcate the following:

  • Understand and appreciate diversity, human cultural, historical and social experiences, and be able to relate them to individual experiences
  • Engage in active collaboration with advisors, faculty, and fellow students
  • Develop the ability to appreciate a multiple and differing perspectives
  • Be self-aware, socially responsible, and cultivate a sense of life-long learning
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