Internal Committees


Ragging is strictly prohibited at MIT University of Meghalaya. Students are forbidden from participating in any form of ragging, both on and off-campus. Ragging, which includes physical or mental abuse, manhandling, abusive language, gestures, or coercing others into harmful acts, is recognized as a serious social, cultural, and psychological issue.

Students are encouraged to uphold the esteemed traditions of MIT Group of Institutions and MIT University of Meghalaya by refraining from any actions that could be considered ragging. Those involved in such activities will face legal consequences as mandated by the Supreme Court of India.

In compliance with Supreme Court directives and UGC regulations, the university has established an Anti-Ragging Committee and an Anti-Ragging Squad to ensure proper enforcement.
The composition of the Anti-Ragging Committee in MIT University of Meghalaya are:

Name Designation
Dr. Malhar Pangrikar
Vice Chancellor
Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharya
Pro Vice-Chancellor & Registrar
Asst. Prof. Lapynkhamtibiang Mawiong Member
Asst. Prof. Dibyak Das Sarkar Member
Mr. Issac Warjri Student Representative
BBA 2nd Semester
Parent Representative
Media Personnel


Anyone facing any grievance can reach out to any committee member in the University.

For ragging complaints, anyone can contact the University on the mobile number +91-92711-10114. Information received through this number will be promptly forwarded to the relevant authorities.

Complaint boxes are available at the Students Development Section. Any complaints about ragging will be immediately directed to the Anti-Ragging Committee.

Any complaint should include sufficient details of the incident and be submitted to the committee. Upon receiving a complaint, the Committee will promptly initiate action.

Based on the Committee's recommendations, the Vice Chancellor will determine the appropriate course of action or may initiate an inquiry depending on the severity of the situation.

Students can also send their complaints to or contact us on the provided phone number.


The Disciplinary Committee of MIT University of Meghalaya for the session 2024-25 is as under:

Name Designation
Dr. Malhar Pangrikar
Vice Chancellor
Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharya Chairman
Pro Vice Chancellor & Registrar
Mrs. Shantipriya Nag Member
Ms. Lapynkhamtibiang Mawiong Member
Mr. Balakrishna Narra Member


The Grievance Redressal Committee [as per UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulation, 2012: Notification
No. F. No. 14-4/2012(CPP-II)]
of MIT University of Meghalaya for the session 2024-25 is as under:

Name Designation
Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharya
Pro Vice Chancellor & Registrar
Ms. Annaripple Kharbhih Member Secretary
Mr. Dibyak Sarkar Member
Ms. Angel Mawiong Member
Mr. Balakrishna Narra Member
To be nominated Student Member


MIT University of Meghalaya ‘Internal Complaints Committee under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013’, for the session 2024-25, is as under:

Name Designation
Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharya
Pro Vice Chancellor & Registrar
Ms. Lapynkhamtibiang Mawiong Member Secretary
Ms. Annaripple Kharbhih Member
Mr. Lingkojoy Oinam Member
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